
I have the following problem: I have two postfix mail servers, one for my own domain on my home server and another one running on an external server that's sending mail to my own domainname.tld. My ISP blocks incoming port 25 and I therefore have to use a mail relay:

mydomain.tld.           86400   IN      MX      50 mail.mydomain.tld.
mydomain.tld.           86400   IN      MX      100 mailrelay.myprovider.tld.

If I now send mail from this external server to myself I do receive the mail through the mailrelay. However, after a while I see the following in the deferred queue:

"(delivery temporarily suspended: connect to mail.mydomain.tld[x.x.x.x]: No route to host)"

Of course this is due to the fact that my ISP blocks port 25.

To get rid of these errors I tried the following on the external server:

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

mydomain.tld: smtp:mailrelay.myprovider.tld
.mydomain.tld: smtp:mailrelay.myprovider.tld

(of course I did a postmap transport and restart of postfix).

But it doesn't work. The deferred queue is still filling up with these errors.

Is there anything else I can do to fix these errors?

Thanks and regards,


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