Le 11/16/2011 11:00 AM, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de a écrit :
Zitat von Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr>:

Le 11/16/2011 10:20 AM, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de a écrit :
Zitat von Frank Bonnet <f.bon...@esiee.fr>:


I have to setup a "virtual" postfix server and I wonder what would
be the best / most efficient choice for the DB backend ?

The server will be a small one supporting approx 1000 mailboxes
the machine is a "virtual one" hosted at OVH (France) running Ubuntu 10.4 LTS
with 4 Gb of dedicated RAM and 50 Gb of disk space.

I've never setup a virtual postfix server so "gurus" advices
would be very welcome.

Thanks a lot

Focus on the management tools you will use for managing the accounts and choose the db accordingly. Postfix is not very "taxing" regarding db access so for some 1000 mailboxes any reliable db is sufficient. If using a "network" database limit the number of client connections with proxymap if you intend to run a lott of smtpd processes.



the DB server will be "local" to the postfix server, I plan to install the server
then install webmin to delegate some tasks to a "few experienced" admin.
( few tasks = create or destroy email accounts )

So have a look what is supported by webmin for managing Postfix. I guess your choices boil down to PostgreSQL, MySQL and local files (BerkeleyDB). You may have a look what your POP3/IMAP Server of choice is able to use and what is best supported by eventuelly used Webmail frontend. As said for Postfix it simply doesn't matter at that scale.



The POP3/IMAP server will be Dovecot and (if needed) Roundcube as webmail
the most "practical" seems to use BerkeleyDB :-)

Thanks to all that respond to my request !

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