It's possible that amavisd slows down your postfix.
You can try to increase the number of amavis processes in the config:

$max_servers = 5;            # number of pre-forked children

The number of amavisd processes is independent of the smtp processes.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:15 AM, Alex <> wrote:

> Hi,
> >> I built a dual-Xeon quad-core box with 8GB using fedora15 and
> >> postfix-v2.8.5 and during various times during the day connections to
> >> port 25 timeout or are very slow. The majority of times this happens
> >> is under peak loads, but even times when it's not at capacity it may
> >> do this.
> >
> > Often slow smtpd connections are caused by not having enough smtpd
> > processes running.
> >
> > On your hardware, postfix will support thousands of smtpd processes.
> >  Use netstat or lsof to see how many connections postfix is handling
> > when you experience slowdowns.
> It's in the hundreds. There is also some amount of iowait, but I don't
> think that's the issue.
> When using amavisd-new, shouldn't the number of processes match the
> number of smtpd processes?
> I think what I'm concerned about is having postfix receive more
> messages than amavisd can process?
> > If zombie spambots are using up most of your available connections,
> > postscreen will likely help.
> >
> Yes, looks like this would be a good thing to do is a general idea.
> Thanks again,
> Alex

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