On 20/11/2011 02:22, Reindl Harald wrote:
fun is not useful - 10 out of 1000 will delete such a message
in these days even if they could help you

Make that more like 90 out of 100 - many people such as myself simply do not
have the (free) time to read every posting in every mailing list, so "fun"
subjects are seen/marked as spam and your original question never even managed
to get past my mail filters!

With between 200 and 500 list mails per day in this mail account alone I do not
have the time to read them all. I and my filter prune 'em. If you want help
you have to make the effort.

Also, I you keep using "fun" subject lines, someone will provide a "fun" answer
such as the equiv of "/bin/rm -rf /" used in LUG groups.


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