Am 25.11.2011 09:41, schrieb Lars Täuber:
> Hi list,
> is it somehow possible to limit the lookup for aliases in
> virtual_alias_maps to domains the postfix system is responsible for?
> The problem:
> I want »abuse@...« to be aliased to »postmaster« for every domain the system
> is configured for. (virtual_mailbox_domains)
> Therefore I've done this:
>  virtual_alias_maps = regexp:/etc/postfix/virtual_aliases
>  /etc/postfix/virtual_aliased:
>   /^abuse@.*/ postmaster
> but this aliases also mails that are sent from the local system to
> How can I avoid to add an alias for every new domain I configure?

only if you are using mysql-configuration and scripts
using a special table where you add the "abuse@" aliases
and if a new domain is created it adds the needed aliases
and removes them while deleting a domain

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