No everything is working fine. But I thought that every email is sent 
associated with unique message id. And I am using it in a script that parse log 
file to insert it to database. But now I have duplication in message id because 
of empty one . does every mail sent or received must have queue id so I can use 
it instead of message id? And is it unique ?

* Amira Othman <>:
> Hi all
> I found in postfix log empty message id for email received. 

Yep, seen those too

> Is that mean I am receiving spam ?

No, it means you're receiving mails with an empty message-id :)

> and how can I handle that?

What is there to handle? Something not working?

Dec  7 11:40:23 mail postfix/cleanup[26180]: 3SyxDR6fnNzFvmL: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:41:09 mail postfix/cleanup[26708]: 3SyxFK1S5TzFvml: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:44:51 mail postfix/cleanup[27202]: 3SyxKb3H7vzFvn0: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:45:06 mail postfix/cleanup[27719]: 3SyxKt0tmgzFvn0: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:45:24 mail postfix/cleanup[27837]: 3SyxLD2N7TzFvjb: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:45:24 mail postfix/cleanup[27719]: 3SyxLD2ThwzFvjl: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:45:32 mail postfix/cleanup[27719]: 3SyxLN5g79zFvjb: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:46:49 mail postfix/cleanup[27837]: 3SyxMs6YQKzFvjb: message-id=<>
Dec  7 11:46:49 mail postfix/cleanup[28188]: 3SyxMs6svGzFvmL: message-id=<>

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962 |

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