> I don't know the Postfix internals but if it where easy *and* safe to  
> implement it would have been done already from someone feeling the  
> need to do so.

A quick search shows that trivial-rewrite server has no "fatal"
errors - it reports all errors that it can detect to the client (in
this case smtpd(8)).

However there is one low-level library module (match_ops) that
exits the program with a "fatal" error.

That module will have to be changed, so that the error can "bubble
up" to its caller. That change needs to be made carefully because
there is a lot of code that depends on match_ops: everything that
uses mynetworks, mydestination, relay_domains, virtual_alias_domains,
virtual_mailbox_domains, and more. That code must not break.

I'll note once again that "optimally" reporting local configuration
errors to remote SMTP clients has a low priority, compared to all
the other work that need to be done on Postfix.


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