On 2011-12-28 23:58, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 28.12.2011 23:30, schrieb Stan Hoeppner:
On 12/28/2011 2:41 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
this world would be a better one if more developers would have your
attitude instead permanently throwing things away and replace them
with half-baken replacement and shortly before they become bugfree
and useable the next one creeps in with his new "better" replacement
Don't jump to conclusions.  We haven't yet seen Sahil's response with
his reasoning behind his changes.
i speak not for postfix only

You don't speak for postfix *at all*.

what i meant was generally the attitude of developers/packagers
over the last year in many distributions and for many packages

Name names; provide concrete, verifiable examples; the above is so vague as to be laughable. Without concrete examples, you're merely pandering to what you perceive to be a desirable opinion.

Attacking someone before knowing all of the facts is referred to as
"lynch mob" mentality here in the USA.  Google and read the history of
the "lynch mob".  It's something I doubt you want to be associated with.
i do not attack anybody directly

Oh, so it was by accident that you made these remarks /in this thread/?
Quelle coincidence.

this was simply a gratulation for the attitude of Wietse how he
is developing software and a general blame for mostly all developers
out there in the last yeas breaking permanently compatibility and
upgrade-path's, wasting ressources with not well thought software
and wondering why modern computers not much faster for the enduser
as ten years before

What you're doing smells like flinging poo, to me - and you have no business doing that on this list.


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