kshitij mali:
> Feb  6 10:41:22 D1SNX682RL postfix/smtpd[3693]: connect from
> unknown[]
> [some headers logged here]
> adr37000000104...@nol.com.sg>
> Feb  6 10:44:27 D1SNX682RL postfix/smtpd[3693]: *lost connection after
> DATA*(437492 bytes) from unknown[]

The connection was broken after 437492 data bytes in 5 seconds.

> Feb  6 10:27:19 D1SNX682RL postfix/smtpd[22715]: connect from
> unknown[]
> [some headers logged here]
> Feb  6 10:30:25 D1SNX682RL postfix/smtpd[22715]: *lost connection after DATA
> * (37844 bytes) from unknown[]

Same problem: the connection is broken after 6 seconds and 37844 bytes.

Based on the large byte counts, IP path MTU problems are unlikely
to be the cause. 

I'm very suspicious that something is actively interfering with
your TCP connections.  It could be anti-virus, IDS, some firewall,
or something else.

As Victor suggests, this requires tcpdump analysis.


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