On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 02:17:35PM +0000, Jean Brico wrote:
> I've one postfix on Debian Squeeze that works fine.
> I'd like now to mount an other postif on an other Squeeze, that 
> will simulate my ISP (I'm teacher).
> Then, my first postix will become a relay and will send mails to
> my "ISP Postfix".
> I'm not able to find informations about configuration of the
> "ISP machine". Is it possible to have some keywords to start my
> resarchs on the net ?

First thing, don't go "on the net" for this. Start in the 
documentation. Read the sources to which it refers if you need 
general help. Also, wikipedia is pretty good on covering email 

The BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html covers issues that need to be 
addressed on every Postfix install. Note the part where it talks 
about "relayhost" ... that is the ISP server.

The ISP will run a MSA (mail submission agent) for their users. SASL 
AUTH is an essential element of this. See SASL_README.html for the 
details. That covers setting up the "home" instance to authenticate 
with the ISP, and covers setting up the ISP to handle that.

For client AUTH, Cyrus SASL is the only supported option. For server 
AUTH (the ISP), you can choose Cyrus or Dovecot for SASL. IMO the 
latter is much easier and nicer to work with.

STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html does not specifically cover what 
you're talking about, but is worth a visit.

All of the aforementioned HTML files can be found in your own 
$html_directory, as well as online at http://www.postfix.org/ . Be 
sure to browse the other titles in the $html_directory while you are 
there. I keep a link in my browser for ready reference.
  http://rob0.nodns4.us/ -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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