On 05/04/2012 15:29, Eric Kimminau wrote:

If you really must know, it is a Healthcare based company and we are
developing a registration method. If the registered address used is any
but these three domains a secondary process is initiated which will
generate a registration packet being created and sent via FedEx to the
address used during registration. We need to know if anyone uses an
unapproved address to immediately prevent that package from being
generated during our testing. Is this enough of a justification for you?

That does make sense. But, in that case, it will be a lot easier, and more sustainable, to include the concept of "intercept domains" in the registration software itself rather than relying on your MTA to do it for you. This sort of thing is a simple if-else in almost all common programming languages. Here it is in PHP, for example:

$intercept_domains = array("example.com","example.org","example.net");
if (in_array($recipient_domain,$intercept_domains)) {
  // do primary loop
else {
  // do secondary loop

I'm sure others here can come up with functional equivalents in just about any language under the sun. But, more importantly, so can your own programmers. They don't need to hand this functionality off the the MTA.

I came to postfix because sendmail is proving far to complex. Postfix has
certainly proven easier to understand and implement but if this is the
type of response we can expect, perhaps I should just let my customer know
that postfix isn't an enterprise class solution they should consider and
move on.

Postfix is indeed an enterprise class MTA, but it isn't a programming language. Doing things at the appropriate layer will make everything a lot simpler to implement. It will also make your code platform independent, should you ever want (or need) to use a different MTA (possibly in response to a client request or an installation on a legacy system).

 Sent from my ZX Spectrum HD

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