On Thu, 10 May 2012 23:23:43 +0200
Benny Pedersen <m...@junc.org> wrote:

> Den 2012-05-10 14:40, James Seymour skrev:
> > Eh?  Explain, please?
> check_policy_service must be after reject_unlisted_recipient
> that makes sure greylist is not called for unlisted users that will
> be rejected as unknown users later

That does not solve the problem at hand.  (Besides: One might argue
that generating a delay in a "user does not exist" response is a Good
Thing.  Slows the spammers down and really doesn't have all that much
effect on legitimate senders.)

And, with that, I guess we're done with this discussion.  Only solution
is to move the SPF check to sender restrictions, and I don't care to
engage in that complexity.

Thanks for the feedback, everybody.

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