
I use Postfix 2.5.5 on a linux debian box and i'm trying to make some 
statistics for sasl authenticated user...
the goal is to show them how many connexions to the server they have been made, 
how many mails they have sent,  and show them the detected "from"  and "to" 
addresses... My search are based on Queue ID in the logs... finding a Queue Id, 
parse the log file to grep this Queue Id and get from, to, ip adresses....

Every thing goes right execpt that it happens “Queue ID collision” :
for exemple in my logs :

smtp_vm1:~$ cat /var/log/mail.log|grep 79E8223CA90D

May 11 09:32:55 smtp_vm1 postfix/smtpd[2429]: 79E8223CA90D: 
client=unknown[XX.XX.XX.XX], sasl_method=LOGIN, sasl_username=XXXXXXX
May 11 16:06:09 smtp_vm1 postfix/smtpd[13613]: 79E8223CA90D: 
client=XX.XX.XX.XX.rev.sfr.net[XX.XX.XX.XX], sasl_method=LOGIN, 

Same day, Same log file, 2 differents connexions, 2 différents login, same 
Queue ID...

Is there any way to prevent this ?

Thanks in advance


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