Am 07.06.2012 09:58, schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> * Georg Schönweger <>:
>> Hi,
>> On our postfix server we use:
>> relayhost = [server1.tld]:587
>> How can i tell postfix to relay mails localy if server1.tld is down? I
>> thought this should be possible with "smtp_fallback_relay";
>> smtp_fallback_relay = [localhost]
>> but then i see a "deferred (mail for localhost loops back to myself)" in
>> log.
> Use DNS (round robin) to provide more than one IP for server1.tld or cluster
> the ip.
> p@rick

Does this solve the problem? if IP1 is down will postfix retry to send
via IP2? Or will postfix just defer the delivery? If so then
smtp_fallback_relay seems to me to be the better option because there is
no delay.
Anyway, what i would like to achieve is that if server1.tld is down,
then do not use any relayhost, but send it out directly. I thought maybe
there is an easy way to achieve this.

kind regards,

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