>>  I don't think mine is so confusing as you suggest if you take a second 

> to understand it.  Maybe if you read it with some whitespace:
>>  select 
>>      if ('%d' = 'example-2.com',
>>          IFNULL(
>>              (select dest from aliases where addr = 
> '%u...@example.com'),
>>              (select addr from users where addr = '%u...@example.com')
>>          ),
>>      NULL)
> You almost never want to return a NULL result to Postfix using a SQL lookup.
> This actually can mean an affirmative instead of a negative result.

Thank you for the tip.

> A better query might be:
> (SELECT dest from aliases where addr = '%u...@example.com' AND '%d' 
> =
> 'example.net') UNION
> (SELECT addr from users where addr = '%u...@example.com' AND '%d' =
> 'example.net') LIMIT 1

Funny, I think I posted almost the same query earlier on.  :)

And I like this version better because it seems more standardized SQL

> Postfix expects an empty set (i.e. no rows returned) if it is to respond
> negatively that a virtual alias does not exist.
> Returning NULL does not equal no rows returned.

Are you sure?  I ask only because the query I posted above DOES work - it does 
reject invalid addresses normally (for the primary or secondary domain or other 
unrelated domains on the server).  Maybe postfix even unintentionally gets a 
NULL back, tries to do something with it but fails and ultimately produces the 
same result?

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