I'm curious, if you have a smtpd service in master.cf that listens on
an IP address, if it would be possible to restrict the recipient maps
just to the recipients in the domain associated with that IP address
(there are other smtpd services/domains/IP addresses on the same
postfix instance).

I tried a simple test, adding "-o" options to override
virtual_mailbox/alias_maps, but it seemed like I also had to override
transport_maps/mydestination (not sure which) and I could make it
"work", but it seems clunky.  The rejection is not a "no relaying"
error, instead it complains about unknown domain.

So I think there is probably a better way to do this, no?  Is the only
right way to run multiple instances?  Or can I override in master.cf
with the right combination of settings?


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