On Aug 16, 2012 1:24 PM, "Jim Wright" <j...@wrightthisway.com> wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:48 AM, Simon Brereton wrote:
> > mail #554 5.7.1 <SPEXCH07.sp.com>: Helo command rejected: Host not
found ##
> >
> > If I added in a check_helo_access before reject_invalid_helo_name that
would work, yes?  Or would it be better to turn that line into
> That would work, you would then need to add an entry like the following
to let these emails pass:
> SPEXCH07.sp.com   OK
> What I do here when I spot these, and I believe the email may be
legitimate, is to put a line like the above in for the problem domain
temporarily to let the mails come in, then I do a whois on the domain and
fire off an email to the listed contacts and anyone else that seems a
likely support resource to let them know about the issue.  After that, it's
up to them to fix their system.

Thanks Jim - that's what I've done for now.

> I send such emails from the postmaster account, which doesn't perform all
the same checks as other accounts, and won't reject mails for bad helo.

I still haven't figured out a satisfactory way of doing this.  I have all
the postmaster accounts aliased to the main domain but I believe that check
for a valid postmaster account is done after permit my networks, which is
before the helo checks - it used to be after..


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