I have created a policy service, which checks quota, returning 'reject' if
the mailbox is full, and 'dunno' otherwise.

smtpd_(data|recipient)_restrictions =
   check_policy_service unix:private/checkfull

And it's all working fine.

However, I only want that policy to trigger for incoming mail - mail for
which I am the final destination.

For outgoing mail (from my customers to elsewhere), I don't want to trigger
that policy at all.

I can't work out how I can do that.

Related info.
'My customers' may be sasl, mynetworks, or OK'd via an access file.

I am using virtual users, and virtual domains.
virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-users.cf
virtual_mailbox_domains = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap-domains.cf
virtual_transport = dovecot

It _works_ as I currently have it, but the policy is performing unnecessary
ldap lookups, which I'd like to  (and probably NEED to) avoid.

Thanks, Brock

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