Am 02.11.2012 08:38, schrieb Jamie Paul Griffin:
> / Han Boetes wrote on Thu  1.Nov'12 at 15:15:51 +0100 /
>> Consider setting up a caching nameserver like unbound on your server.
>> Having a local cache on a mailserver is good thing™
> I do have a name server running on my lan. I wouldn't set up a mailserver 
> system without it. I have been doing that for quite some time now

the main question here is how your nameserver is configured
recursion or just forward to any other dns-server

if you do not make recursion at your own thats may be the reason
because if your LAN dns is forwarding to and more and
more peole are doing this will be more and more rate-controlled

AND do NOT forward to any ISP-DNS
they are all not trustable/relieable

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