* Jeremy Bowen <jer...@smartpoint.co.nz>:
> Hi all
> I have a virtual alias which currently forwards to a list of email
> addresses however this is getting unwieldy. (This is one address
> amongst a bunch of other virtual aliases on multiple virtual domains).
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
> eg.
> /etc/postfix/virtual contains:
>    mylist@mydomain address1, address2, address3 etc...
> I would like to setup a REALLY simple mailing list and don't want to go
> down the mailman route. Ideally I would like to supply a simple text
> file containing a list of email addresses which I could reference
> somehow. This text file could be edited by someone with limited skill,
> either on the server, or uploaded by FTP/scp, and used by Postfix.
> Is this even possible or am I going about this the wrong way ?

Use <http://www.snertsoft.com/sendmail/wimp/>. Use it with caution. ;)


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