On Mon, 04 Feb 2013 09:40:41 -0600, Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org>
> On 2/4/2013 4:14 AM, Mark Alan wrote:

> > I would like to use MimeDefang to sanitize the emails that arrive
> > at one of our 3 mailing lists, i.e., to convert html->text, remove
> > unsafe attachments, and remove+webserve file attachments
> > larger than 500KB.
> > 
> > There are few tutorials on this subject and most, like Mickey Hill's
> > http://www.mickeyhill.com/mimedefang-howto , ask for the
> > installation of sendmail and present a config tightly coupled with
> > sendmail internals (the real sendmail, not postfix's sendmail).
> > 
> > Could you please provide (or point to) a couple of working examples
> > on how to setup mimedefang with postfix (would it be better done as
> > a transport+filter, or as milter?) and, if possible, throw some
> > light on the advantages/disadvantages of each alternative?
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > Mark
> mimedefang works as a milter, so that's how you must interface it
> with postfix.
> .../...
> the config details you will mostly be interested in:
> http://www.postfix.org/MILTER_README.html#config

First, thank you Noel for sharing your experience and spending your time
at trying to help.

Regarding mimedefang, and its ability to work as a milter, and the
general setup of a milter under postfix, well... I have been there and
done that (in due time, I even described in this list, the config that
we use to run opendkim as a milter, communicating by a unix socket with
a chrooted postfix).

But the question here was entirely different:   "... to use MimeDefang
to sanitize the emails that arrive at ONE of our 3 mailing lists"

The problem was not to apply mimedefang to all incoming mail (like a
milter base config usually does).
The problem is how to do it in order to to process a SINGLE target
email address (the address of a given mailing list), without consuming
unnecessary machine resources, i.e., without "miltering" all the email
that arrives at the postfix server.
That was why I also attached the main.cf/master.cf filter+transport
config that we use to pipe the emails addressed to mailing lists into
the mailing list management software.

Thank you,


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