Am 07.02.2013 18:22, schrieb deconya:
> smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_passwd 
> but not works, everytime resolves the Ip but appears a message how message 
> nots authenticated in the server and
> relay is not permited. I don't know where's the problem

additionally to "postconf -n" it is always a good
idea to provide a COMPLETE log for a message and
in this case the sanitized sasl-configs

here a for sure working config with only persoanl
data replaced with care of relations and ""
is here only the relevant options, this all works
even combined with "relayhost" in "" which
would result in any not specified sender would
go over the per "relayhost" defined host and
pretty sure would also in this case use "sasl_passwd"
if listed there

smtp_sasl_auth_enable                = yes
smtp_sender_dependent_authentication = yes
smtp_sasl_security_options           = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_password_maps              = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
sender_dependent_relayhost_maps      = hash:/etc/postfix/relayhost_maps

# AFTER CHANGES: postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
[relayhost.domain.tld]:587 user:password

# AFTER CHANGES: postmap /etc/postfix/relayhost_maps
sen...@domain.tld [relayhost.domain.tld]:587

the most important is to understand that the sender which
can also be @domain.tld in "relayhost_maps" defines the
relayserver and in my example even the port and the
record in "sasl_passwd" defines username and password
for specific relayhosts and [relayhost]:587 must be 100%
identically written in both files

also make sure that cyrus-sasl packages are installed even
if you are using dovecot for smtpd-auth with the needed

Fedora as example:

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