On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:20:50AM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:

> > > I think it would be entirely reasonable to share a DNS cache among
> > > multiple systems within the same trusted perimeter. One DNS server
> > > per host in a farm of mail servers may not be practical.
> > 
> > A local cache on each, forwarding to two or three resolvers that are 
> > nearby? Local for DNSSEC verification, nearby cache for performance 
> > reasons? Am I missing something that would make that impractical?
> I think it would be helpful to give examples of how "secure DNS"
> caches can be shared, instead of outright banning this. On non-trivial
> deployments, DNS and MAIL are managed by different people.

This was the intent of my original example, I guess I did not draw
sufficient attention to the:

                name: "."

stanza at the bottom of the unbound.conf example. We'll need to
provide a similar configuration example for BIND, and explain the
rationale for both, so other local nameservers could also be
supported by an MTA administrator who understands the requirements.


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