On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 05:44:45PM +0100, Fabio Sangiovanni wrote:

> Hi, thanks for your answer.  I'm sorry but I can't get the point here.
> I *want* case sensitive matching. To me, the manual says that, due
> to the fact that insensitive matching is on by default, one should
> append the flag to the pattern in order to "toggle the behaviour",
> that is: to turn insensitive matching off.


> $ postmap -q 't...@domain.tld' \
>       regexp:/etc/postfix/check_recipient_access.regexp
> REJECT wrong format
> while:
> $ postmap -q 't...@domain.tld' \
>       regexp:/etc/postfix/check_recipient_access.regexp
> <no output>

       -f     Do not fold the lookup key  to  lower  case  while  creating  or
              querying a table.

              With  Postfix  version  2.3 and later, this option has no effect
              for regular expression tables. There, case folding is controlled
              by appending a flag to a pattern.

So your case-insensitive lookups are working.

> This behaviour is correct, but I can't get it using the restriction
> in postfix.

The Postfix table layer is at the mercy of any upstream rewriting.
Are you sure your input address is not mapped to lower case upstream?


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