On Apr 13, 2013, at 8:17 AM, /dev/rob0 <r...@gmx.co.uk> wrote:

> I think the point is that none of the software you mention are 
> Linux-specific. Postfix, PostgreSQL, rsyslog, "apache" (Apache 
> httpd), and php all work and are commonly seen on other Unix and 
> Unix-like systems. It doesn't sound likely that you have done 
> something to restrict this to Linux-only.

My first thought was he thinks Linux and Unix are just different words for the 
same thing. Or he knows Linux and has never heard of Unix.

Wouldn't be the first. I've run into people (although less technical) who have 
heard of Linux since it's been a "cool" buzz-word but have no idea what Unix is.

Larry Stone

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