On 5/7/2013 5:36 PM, /dev/rob0 wrote:
> Peter has explained this: you indeed seem to have FCrDNS, just not 

Maybe my understanding of the definition of Forward Confirmed reverse
DNS is incorrect.  I thought the definition of FCrDNS is that that the
forward and reverse names not only exist but also match.  Apparently
they both must simply exist.

> "good" FCrDNS with a custom PTR. You have generic-looking FCrDNS of 
> the kind that your famous PCRE file is designed to block. :)

A little ironic maybe?  Or, does this simply put me in a position to
understand the intricacies of generic rDNS?  I'd say a little of both.

>> You yourself accept mail from my outbound, so obviously you're
>> not strictly enforcing FCrDNS.
> I do use reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname for most recipient 
> domains. I do not use reject_unknown_client_hostname much. Neither do 
> I use reject_unknown_helo_hostname; and no policy daemon whereby the 
> HELO and PTR are required to match. If you're not on Zen (PBL) you're 
> fine by me. :)
>> That or you've manually whitelisted my IP.
> Perish the thought! I would do no such thing! ;)



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