I've found the solution. In postfix nexthop destination domains not
enclosed in "[]" will be subject to MX lookups. So If I have domain.x, I
can configure the transport_maps like this:: 


domain.x smtp:domain.x:25


and postfix makes MX lookups automatically.




De: Arantza Serrano 
Enviado el: lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013 7:38
Para: 'postfix-users@postfix.org'
Asunto: Split domain and DNS queries




I need to configure some domains to be splitting temporarily. There can
be some accounts in my postfix platform and some others accounts in the
old platform. So I need that when a postfix account of the domain X
sends a mail to a account of the other platform, the Postfix can do a
DNS query (the MX records of the domain X) and it can relay the email to
the old platform. How can I configure this? I know that if I know in
advance the IP of the old platform, I can configure the transport_maps
with the IP of the old platform. 

But this old platform could be a lot of servers depending domain. So I
need configure the Psotfix to be "intelligent" and it can do its own DNS
querys to look for the MX records of each domain. 


Thanks and regards

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