Frank Bonnet <> wrote:

>     Hello
>     is it possible to setup one instance of postfix to
>     1 - use submission to let users send ( with STARTTLS )
>     2 - receive emails with normal SMTP
>     thank you

A quick searche for "Postfix multiple instabces" will give you a number of sites
with examples or solutions.

Google can be your FRIEND.

Roel Wagenaar,

Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter;

Antw.: Omdat het de volgorde verstoord waarin mensen tekst lezen.
Vraag: Waarom is top-posting een slechte gewoonte?
Antw.: Top-posting.
Vraag: Wat is het meest ergerlijke in e-mail?

Why be difficult, when with a bit of effort, you can be impossible?

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