On 7/8/2013 2:55 PM, J Gao wrote:
> Hi, All,
> When my postfix+courier received/sent an email, it will have a file
> which name like this:
> 1373311807.V805I31d1928M179657.zeta.veecall.com,S=1456:2,ST
> Can someone explain to me how to understand this name? I mean for
> example like the above one, what is the meaning of "1373311807" and
> "V805I31d1928M179657"?
> In the maillog, postfix use mail ID like "C0A3BC258D", is there a
> relation between this ID and the filename?
> More interested is the last part of the filename. It seems related
> with the status of the mail. (Read/Unread/..etc.). Can you explain
> more on this?
> Thank you for help.
> Gao

There is no relation between the postfix queueid and the final
filename used for maildir storage.

For all the mind-numbing details, use your favorite search engine to
look for "maildir specification".

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