Hi all,

We are testing a new outsourced anti-spam service (Edgewave/RedCondor). We are letting their systems check for valid recipients using the VRFY command, but their default verifier uses <someth...@mydomain.com>, instead of <someth...@redcondor.net> as the FROM address when verifying. Because I employ anti-spoofing (anything from/to one of our addresses must be sent through our server or we reject it), we had to set up a custom verifier in the Edgewave control panel.

Everything is working, mail is flowing, but grepping on (lost|warning|error|fatal|panic), I see a lot of these:

2013-07-31T10:48:39-04:00 myhost postfix-25/smtpd[17729]: lost connection after VRFY from smtp446.redcondor.net[]

with occasional

2013-07-31T10:46:28-04:00 myhost postfix-25/smtpd[17993]: too many errors after VRFY from smtp644.redcondor.net[]

tossed in.

Is this normal? Or is this indicative of a problem that should be fixed?


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