On 8/7/2013 9:32 PM, Corey wrote:
> I am using PostFix with Amavisd which includes SpamAssassin &
> ClamAV.  I created a milter to help rate limit and minimize abuse, I
> added this milter in via the "smtpd_milters" option.  I'm able to
> reject email with a 4xx or 5xx error with no issue, however when I
> attempt to issue a discard it shows up in the log but the email is
> still passed off to Amavis and scanned\logged.  Here is a snippet of
> what shows up in the log:
> Aug  7 21:33:04 edgedev postfix/smtpd[13682]: connect from
> unknown[<redacted>]
> Aug  7 21:33:04 edgedev postfix/smtpd[13682]: NOQUEUE:
> milter-discard: MAIL from unknown[<redacted> ]: milter triggers
> DISCARD action; from=<root@<redacted> > proto=ESMTP helo=<<redacted> >
> Aug  7 21:33:04 edgedev amavis[3120]: process_request: fileno
> sock=12, STDIN=0, STDOUT=1
> Ideally I'd like it to act just as if it was rejected and not pass
> the email along any further to save the overhead of scanning and
> logging.  Any help or guidance into what I'm doing wrong would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!

The whole message must be received or the sender will think a
transmission error has occurred and retry endlessly.  There's not
really a good workaround for that.

  -- Noel Jones

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