Hi all,

On 2013-09-01 6:09 AM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks James.  This is all very cool.  A blacklist (zen.spamhaus.org),
a whitelist (list.dnswl.org), and a "greylist".  2.11 looks to be a
fantastic release for easily-configured anti-spam measures.  I'm just
not getting spam anymore and I don't think I'm rejecting legitimate
mail either.

James - I'm curious, are you using any other antispam software?

Everyone else - I'm very curious how many people are relying solely on postfix/postcreen settings for their anti-spam measures, and how effective they seem to be as compared to other anti-spam measures - ie, using outsourced anti-spam SaaS providers (mxlogic, edgewave, etc).

I've been toying with the idea of testing receiving/sending direct to the internet using all the nifty new toys in postfix/postscreen, and see if I can eliminate our outsourced anti-spam service.

If postfix is good enough now with the addition of postscreen to block 95+% of spam, maybe it is time to do away with the hassle of 3rd party anti-spam tools.



Best regards,


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