Am 02.09.2013 23:13, schrieb LuKreme:
> On 02 Sep 2013, at 15:02 , wrote:
>> Am 02.09.2013 22:55, schrieb LuKreme:
>>> On 02 Sep 2013, at 07:10 , Littlefield, Tyler <> wrote:
>>>> Second, you'll need to encrypt your harddrive, which I doubt this whole 
>>>> blog covers.
>>> Encrypting your hard drive is trivial, at least in OS X and, I hear, even 
>>> in Windows. 
>> and after that?
> I was making no point about the securing of mail, just about encrypting the 
> hard drive.
>> it does help you *nothing* in reality
> Um... no, that's not right. Encrypting drives is quite useful.

without *context* *nothing* is useful

>> so why do people insist claim encrypted drives gain any security if
>> they are not talking about notebooks stolen in a cafe?
> For servers? Encrypting the drive on a always-on server seems a bit pointless

interesting argument on a *server list*

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