On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 11:02:35AM -0700, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:

> Well, I can only speak to what Zimbra does. ;)  As you guess, all of
> our domains are in subtrees, so right now we use a search base of
> "".  So it certainly seems to me like your patch would allow the
> LDAP queries to be more restrictive as far as search results go,
> which could be quite useful. I'll have our QA team test out the
> patch.  It would have to vary by map, because sometimes we need the
> search base outside of people:

Thanks, for looking into this.  Looking forward to further feedback.

> which we could then modify to:
> search_base = %
> query_filter = 
> (&(|(zimbraMailDeliveryAddress=%s)(zimbraDomainName=%s))(zimbraMailStatus=enabled))
> result_attribute = zimbraMailTransport

Note, the new "%<c>" substitution pattern for a comma-separated
list of DC= components is "%," not "%".  I hope that's reasonably
clear in the patch documentation.


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