On 10/14/2013 3:41 PM, Chad Elliott wrote:
>> Without context, we can't provide much help.
>> - what instructions did you follow?
>  I set up "local_recipient_maps = $virtual_alias_maps" and
> "unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550" per instructions located
> here:
> http://www.postfix.org/BACKSCATTER_README.html

I don't see anywhere that document recommends setting
local_recipient_maps = $virtual_alias_maps.  That looks like a hack
someone dreamed up for covering broken address classes.

Anyway, this won't have any effect for a virtual_mailbox_domain,
which is what it appears you're using.

> - what is being bounced?
> mail sent to non-existent aliases/users (not in virtual_alias_maps)
> - what address class (local, virtual-alias, virtual-mailbox, ...) is
> bouncing?
> virtual-alias

Make sure you understand address classes.

Each domain postfix is responsible for must be listed in *only one*
address class, one of:
- local addresses, domain listed in mydestination, valid recipients
listed in local_recipient_maps
- domains relayed elsewhere for final delivery, domains listed in
relay_domains, valid recipients listed in relay_recipient_maps.
-  virtual alias domains, domain listed in virtual_alias_domains,
valid recipients listed in virtual_alias_maps (and must be aliased
to another domain).
- virtual mailbox, domains listed in virtual_mailbox_domains, valid
users listed in virtual_mailbox_maps

Usually people break recipient validation by using @domain <>
@domain rewriting in virtual_alias_maps or in canonical maps. Don't
do that.

> - NON VERBOSE logs demonstrating the problem?
> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/smtpd[17348]: A887A1A084D7:
> client=mail-ie0-f180.google.com[]
> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/cleanup[21208]: A887A1A084D7:
> message-id=<CAAa=gco6hrafjx9bdu+w47rk+k7qjlfr+xc9ojav1arka1k...@mail.gmail.com>
> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/qmgr[21037]: A887A1A084D7:
> from=<mypersonalem...@gmail.com>, size=1490, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/virtual[20895]: A887A1A084D7:
> to=<testboun...@myserver.com>, relay=virtual, delay=0.09,
> delays=0.09/0/0/0, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user:
> "testboun...@myserver.com")

Apparently this is a virtual mailbox domain.  Valid users must be
listed in virtual_mailbox_maps. Domain rewrite wildcards will break
recipient validation.

> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/bounce[21056]: A887A1A084D7: sender
> non-delivery notification: B87541A084D9
> Oct 14 13:37:37 mail postfix/qmgr[21037]: A887A1A084D7: removed

  -- Noel Jones

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