
While adding the new client restriction class to block the new Intro App accessing our mail server, I noticed a tiny/minor discrepancy in postconf -n output of used vs unused parameters/arguments. Not even sure it is worth mentioning, but decided to do so anyway...

The first thing I did was add the restriction class:

submission_client_restrictions =
  check_client_access ${cidr}/submission_clients_blocked.cidr,

I have always placed each parameter argument on a separate line (for readability), and added TWO spaces in front of each one - not sure why two, but all of mine are like this.

After saving this change, postconf -n correctly (because I haven't changed master.cf yet) reported:

postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/main.cf: unused parameter: submission_client_restrictions=check_client_access ${cidr}/submission_clients_blocked.cidr, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject

But... in the postconf -n output, used parameters have only ONE space between the parameter name and the parameter argument (in spite of the fact that there are actually two spaces in main.cf), while unused parameter have two spaces.


Best regards,


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