On 2013-10-27 1:13 PM, Charles Marcus <cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
Based on Noel's suggestion above I currently have:

# submission_clients_banned
linkedin.com REJECT Intro hijacker not welcome here
rapportive.com REJECT Intro hijacker not welcome here

Just added blackberry.net and rim.net, but I'm still very (extremely) curious about the most effective way to try (not saying anything can be perfect) to eliminate as much as possible the scraping of accounts by anything other than actual user devices...

So, I'm interested in ideas on how to block as many of the undesirables (social networks, freemailers, etc) as possible - but of course I know nothing is going to be 100% effective.

Obviously, blocking SMTP_AUTH is a much smaller part of this (blocking IMAP is the most critical, because that door allows access to ALL users stored mail, POP less so, because they can only get at mail trickling in, and only if they grab it before a POP client deletes it), but the methodology will be the same, and whatever I come up with to block SMTP_AUTH can be applied to blocking IMAP/POP_AUTH as well...


Best regards,


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