On 31.01.2014 02:22, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:

>> You're a genius! Thank you so much, this is exactly what I wanted.
>> If we ever meet in person, be sure to claim your well-deserved beer :-)
> Instead of buying me a beer, you can pay me back in kind and take
> 5-10 minutes to read Section 1.2 (and its subsections 1.2.1, 1.2.2,
> 1.2.3 and 1.2.4) of:
> http://vdukhovni.github.io/ietf/draft-ietf-dane-smtp-with-dane-05.html#rfc.section.1.2
> then email me feedback about what could/should be more clear or
> how the structure of the introduction could be improved.

I was at work until now but now I'm back and will read through it and
provide feedback via mail.

> Then, start planning to deploy DNSSEC for your domains.  With care,
> since one must not neglect to automate periodic re-signing of zone
> files either daily or weekly, but in any case often enough to avoid
> RRSIG expiration.

Phew, that's a big one. I'm pretty much clueless on how DNSSEC works at
all and already found configuring bind9/DNS relatively complicated to
set up (admittedly with a non-trivial setup, but anyways). Why does DNS
always have to be such a bitch to debug? Really frustrating. Oh well.

Best regards,

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