Am 12.02.2014 15:26, schrieb L. D. James:
> On 02/12/2014 09:01 AM, wrote:
>> Am 12.02.2014 14:53, schrieb L. D. James:
>>> On 02/12/2014 08:02 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:
>>>> L. D. James:
>>>>> I have this in the log:
>>>>> -----------------------------------------
>>>>> Feb 11 21:42:41 hera5 postfix/smtpd[4802]: connect from
>>>>> localhost.localdomain[]
>>>>> Feb 11 21:42:41 hera5 postfix/smtpd[4802]: 05AAE155460:
>>>>> client=localhost.localdomain[]
>>>> This is a connection from your content filter.
>>>> You need to look at the logging for connections from remote systems.
>>> Hi, Wietse.  Actually that isn't a connection from my content filter.
>>> That is a log of how the remote system
>>> answered my helo request.
>>> The information (as per the topic header) is a lie
>>> It's bogus information.  The remote
>>> system is lying to the request saying they are me
>> if this is *your* logfile, "hera5" is your machine then []
>> can't be a lie, can't come from a remote systemd and this connection
>> is coming *for sure* from whatever service on *your machine*
>> "smtpd" is *not* talking to a remote system and not saying "helo"
>> to a remote system
> Hi.  hera5 in my machine.  It is the host.  My host machine, hera5 is 
> reporting the information to the log.  You
> quoted the part where hera5 (the host machine) reported what the click said 
> when hera5 gave a helo request.  The
> client lied. The client said they were "localhost.localdomain

*damned* read the other answers and stop to claim technical nonsense about
a "lying client" in case of [] which is a IP-ADDRESS, yours, your
loopback device, a service running *on your machine* FOR SURE

your problem is long before *that service on localhost* accepts the message
from where you are showing logs, you must not accept the message at the MX

> The client machine is lying to hera5 because the spammers knows that,
> by default a machine will accept relaying messages from itself

*not by default it does NOT*
only the ones configured careless, dangerous and wrong

and the documentation states clearly you *must not* accept a message
by "check_helo_access" and have to have *other sane* restrictions
which reject *before* "check_helo_access" has the chance to say "permit"

in that case (a sane configuration) "check_helo_access" is the last
instance who could say *reject* but never override other restrictions
and accept the message

The problem with this configuration is that smtpd_recipient_restrictions 
evaluates to PERMIT for EVERY host that
announces itself as "localhost.localdomain", making Postfix an open relay for 
all such hosts.

With Postfix before version 2.10 you should place non-recipient restrictions 
AFTER the reject_unauth_destination
restriction, not before. In the above example, the HELO based restrictions 
should be placed AFTER
reject_unauth_destination, or better, the HELO based restrictions should be 
placed under smtpd_helo_restrictions
where they can do no harm.

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