Am 19.02.2014 16:56, schrieb pgala:
> In dovecot i use plugin quota exceeded to inform sender about no delivered
> mail if somebody send internal mail. My problem is that dovecot send
> information about no delivered messages to envelope_sender instead header
> from. I try force dovecot to use header from but i cant. I also write on
> dovecot mailing list by i didn't get answers still. 

you should *not send any* mail about not delivered messages

in a sane setup you REJECT the mail with a message clearly
stating the account is over quota and *the sending server*
is resposible to generate a bounce to *his user*

for the delivering server it looks like below and that
message is part of the from it generated bounce - again
you must not generate the bounce and send it actively

relay=*****[****]:25, delay=104, delays=46/54/3.5/0.32, dsn=5.0.0, 
status=bounced (host *****[*****] said: 550
Mailbox quota exceeded (in reply to RCPT TO command))

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