Am 31.03.2014 00:35, schrieb cybermass:
> Hi. I am a bit unclear about how email works in a closed domain from roaming
> clients (SASL auth clients).
> If there is a postfix server that is configured to only accept and send
> email to users in the same domain, say for example
> can only send to, does this
> mean that the client's email never hops through other servers or "hops"?

who knows without the config

> I would assume it does not hop since the user authenticated, then crafted an
> email to another user in same domain, using only the mail server IP that is
> allowed to relay. I would think it would be all encapsulated inside the mail
> server, never leaving out to the internet, but I do know that the clients
> have to send via the SMTP protocol, either port 25 or 465 or any other
> custom port chosen. Can someone please verify if the email travels through
> hops in this environment or does it remain inside the postfix server?

if i understand the question cooecrtly you see the anser below
in that case the question could have been one or two lines
in any case output of "postconf -n" instead descriptions would help

first lines of "" on any of my testing machines:
default_transport  = error:5.1.2 mail to remote domains not permitted
local_transport    = error:5.1.2 local transport not permitted
relay_transport    = error:5.1.2 relay transport not permitted
virtual_transport  = error:5.1.2 virtual transport not permitted

domains are listed in "mydestination" via mysql
"local_recipient_maps" configured via mysql
"transport_maps" is configured via mysql and points to LMTP on

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