Hi All!
I've created a simple PHP script that recognizes mail delivery errors 
("Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender")
and does a number of things on a database (100% legit traffic I swear, I work 
for an ISP and hate spam / abuses as much as you do :|)

I've added it to transport_maps
so it processed mails bounced by postfix itself
with the string:
myemailaddr...@mydomain.com mySimplePhpScript:dummy

it works great but there is a problem:
when trying to send a normal (not an error) direct email to 
it loops around 10 times and then dies with the error:
status=bounced (too many hops)
and the email is not delivered to myemailaddr...@mydomain.com

The PHP script finishes with this:
$sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -G -i ' . implode(' ', $argv);
$handle = popen($sendmail, 'w');
fwrite($handle, $content);
$sendmail_return_value = pclose($handle);

so it uses 'sendmail' to try to delivery the email, but it loops.

I've read the transport_maps documentation but I have no idea how to prevent 
if I delete that part of code, the email looks delivered ok:
status=sent (delivered via mySimplePhpScript service)
but it doesn't show up in the inbox.

Thank you very much for supporting, any hint would be greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,

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