--On May 15, 2014 at 4:31:05 PM +0200 Mark Martinec <mark.martinec+post...@ijs.si> wrote:

Robert Sander wrote:
I remember that Mark Martinec mentioned a license change in Berkeley DB
version 6 to the Affero GPL that forces Amavis to switch to LMDB. The
additional provision requires that the complete source code be made
available to any network user of the AGPL-licensed work

Actually it was Wietse who said that, referring to postfix.

Regarding Amavis I said that the main reason for switching
BerkeleyDB to ZMQ message passing was lock contention and a
slowdown of a database after long use, requiring maintenance.
The license change was just an additional incentive for the
change. I may look at LMDB in the future, but the current
needs of Amavis are well served by ZMQ, and Redis (or SQL).
The LMDB would probably be more suitable for use by SpamAssassin.

I've been (slowly) hacking up a LMDB version of the Bayes DB for SA, but I keep having to defer that for other work. So someone else may beat me to it.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Server Architect
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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