On 16 Sep 2014, at 17:24, AndreaML wrote:

hello all,

I am used to have in the config reject_unknown_hostname in the
smtpd_helo_restrictions and for literally years my mailserver were good.

You were lucky.

That setting (in modern Postfix 'reject_unknown_helo_hostname') has never been safe.

BUT in the last months, say from the start of the year i am rejecting more and more messages from reliable sources as the mail servers of pieces of italian
government and some very big ISPs like FastWeb.

This is not a universal trend, it is a quirk of your particular mailstream and/or environment. Otherwise legitimate MTA's have been using variously bogus HELO/EHLO names for all of the past 23 years and probably for all of the history of SMTP.

One factor which MAY be increasing the appearance of more failures is the gradual migration towards IPv6. It is increasingly common for DNS resolvers to support IPv6 by default and run on machines where IPv6 is enabled but where there is no (or limited) IPv6 connectivity. This can cause a resolver to query IPv6 NS addresses that it can't actually reach, potentially resulting in resolution failures.

My log files are filled with (example)

Sep 16 06:42:00 server1 postfix/smtpd[4257]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from wr001msr.fastwebnet.it[]: 450 4.7.1 <wr001msr.intranet.fw>: Helo command rejected: Host not found; from=<VALID_ADDRESS> to=<VALID_ADDRESS>
proto=ESMTP helo=<wr001msr.intranet.fw>

for a transaction of a prefectly valid test email i sent to myself.

More and more i see large installations with EHLOs to some local intranet names and thus not resolvable host names in dns provoking the reject in my

Is it also your experience? Has reject_unknown_hostname less and less use in
favour of other anti-spam methods?

I am unaware of it ever being widely used. Note that RFC2821 S4.1.4 explicitly states:

   An SMTP server MAY verify that the domain name parameter in the EHLO
   command actually corresponds to the IP address of the client.
   However, the server MUST NOT refuse to accept a message for this
   reason if the verification fails: the information about verification
   failure is for logging and tracing only.

This is essentially a restatement of RFC1123 S5.2.5 and was retained in RFC5321. Of course RFCs are not laws & one is free to do whatever one feels like doing in deciding how to determine whether or not to accept mail, but for 25 years the RFCs have been vehemently discouraging verification of the HELO/EHLO argument *because* it has always been well-known that such verification often fails for mail that is otherwise entirely legitimate.

It is much safer to use 'reject_invalid_helo_hostname' or 'reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname' or for maximal safety to use a 'check_helo_access' map to specifically reject HELO names & patterns that fingerprint spambots (e.g. 'friend', 'ylmf-pc', '[]', your own local names/IPs, etc.) or gross incompetence (unqualified names, *.local, etc.) and perhaps to exempt special cases where you are willing to tolerate incompetence.

because in a server with 5000 mailbox and 80k-100k messages a day, that
setting free me of 20k-30k spam messages easily, but catch these large

i am just a bit confused. what is your experience on this?

I've never used that option with Postfix or any analogous setting in other MTAs, but I have looked at it as a possibility a few times. When I last examined it in depth (2007, at a site getting ~10E6 SMTP sessions per day, because one IT manager had one spam with a bad HELO) the overwhelming majority (>98%) of SMTP clients using unresolvable HELO names that were not known sources of legitimate mail were also identifiable as undesirable by some other mechanism before DATA (which included a set of telltale HELO patterns.) It simply didn't matter that we were not rejecting unresolvable HELO names, because the *marginal* effect of doing so would have been many more more false positives than additional actual spam being caught.

There are a lot of reasons that may not reflect your system today but the important point that does is that you should focus on the net marginal effect of that option instead of the raw fact that it catches a huge pile of probable spam very early.

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