> virtual_alias_maps = 
>     hash:$config_directory/virtual
>     pcre:$config_directory/virtual.pcre,
>     pcre:$config_directory/virtual_sql.pcre,
>     proxy:mysql:$config_directory/
> I want to be sure that the ORDER of declarations in virtual_alias_maps
> is significant. For example, if something matches in virtual it
> will always match and not be overridden by a match in virtual.pcre.

Quote from virtual(5):

    "Specify zero or more "type:name" lookup tables, separated by
    whitespace of comma. Tables will be searched in the specified
    order until a  match is found.  Note: these lookups are recursive."

Thus, with "virtual_alias_maps = A, B, C", a match in B terminates
the search, meaning that B has precedence over C.

However, lookup is recursive. The above result from B will be used
for a subsequent query. That may still query A and B and C, finding
a result in C.


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