On 10/14/2014 9:38 AM, Ben Johnson wrote:
> So, your suggestion to use authorized_submit_users looks very attractive
> in that respect. But given that this facility only controls the system
> users who may submit mail, I'm left wanting for a means by which to
> control authentication requirements, instead of outright forbidding
> sending. And my only reason for wanting the authentication requirement
> is to trace abusive sending to a particular website that is hosted on
> this system.

You seem to be missing the point that when you use the local
sendmail(1) interface, the userID *is* the authentication.  Postfix
must either accept or reject the mail based solely on the userID.

To use more robust username/password authentication, you must use
SMTP AUTH, which of course requires mail be submitted via SMTP
rather than sendmail(1).

  -- Noel Jones

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