On Nov 14, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:26:29AM -0600, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
>>> On January 15th each year Wietse sets a counter for the following
>>> year's release to zero.  Each day after that he rolls a 6 sided
>>> dice, and adds the value to the running total.  When the total
>>> reaches 1278, a new release is cut. :-)
>> So around August?
> [ Off topic alert, move along... ]
> Your arithmetic is different than mine.
>    $ echo "2k 1278 3.5 / p" | dc
>    365.14
> Your task is to compute the variance, it is easy to compute the
> variance of total after 365 days.  I have not thought about how to
> correctly compute the variance of the number of days needed to
> reach a target total.  A naive order of magnitude guess is to take
> the variance of the expected total after 365 days and divice by
> the mean increment per day.  That gives a guestimated standard
> deviation of ~sqrt(365 * 35/12)/3.5 or 9.5 days.  Replace the dice
> with a coin toss, how does that change the standard deviation? :-)
> -- 
>       Viktor.

It would be a minimum of 213 days which is around august or a maximum of 3 1/2 
years which would be around august.  Plus there are probably unwritten rules.  
For all we know he re-rolls all 3's.

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