--On November 19, 2014 at 9:39:26 PM +0000 Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:

For each user list all their mail addresses as additional values
of a suitable multi-valued attribute that holds the users various
valid email addresses.  For example, Microsoft Exchange stores:

For sites with 10 million + users (or even 1 million +), I don't think they'll want to have to go through and list those for every user (we do this for account aliases within a domain currently, but they have to explicitly set those for the user), and then have to do this every time they add new accounts as well.

In addition, some sites have multiple alias domains. I have a test dataset from a real customer that is a hosting provider, where many of their customers own 20-30 domains, so there is 1 primary domain, and 19-29 alias domains.

Is there some way to tell postfix to look for the user under the actual

The actual domain is the domain in the user address on the wire,
sorry no wildcards.  Wildcards should be avoided, but soap-box
aside, they are not supported in this context.

I was thinking more of an additional lookup, given that the real domain is returned back as part of one of the queries.

I.e., we have the real domain from:

zimbraMailCatchAllForwardingAddress: @zre-ldap003.eng.zimbra.com

so re-run this search:

Nov 19 15:24:53 zre-ldap003 slapd[23266]: conn=7277 op=9 SRCH base="" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(&(|(uid=testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com)(zimbraAllowFromAddress=testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com)(zimbraMailDeliveryAddress=testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com)(zimbraMailAlias=testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com)(zimbraMailCatchAllAddress=testus...@zre-ldap002.eng.zimbra.com))(zimbraMailStatus=enabled))" Nov 19 15:24:53 zre-ldap003 slapd[23266]: conn=7277 op=9 SRCH attr=uid zimbraMailDeliveryAddress zimbraMailForwardingAddress zimbraPrefMailForwardingAddress zimbraMailCatchAllForwardingAddress zimbraMailAlias zimbraAllowFromAddress

using the domain returned above, which will have a successful result, and allow things to proceed.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Platform Architect
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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