Am 16.12.2014 um 13:05 schrieb Jens Kubieziel:
I'm trying to set up Postfix to use two smarthosts. All mail sent from
domains example.(com|org) should be sent over (default
smarthost) and mails from Domain.A should be sent over mailgw.Domain.A
(MUA is MS Exchange). I set everything up like in the configuration
below. However delivering the mail fails with 535 Authentication
unsuccessful. I have tried to log in via AUTH LOGIN and telnet/openssl.
This worked. So I have no idea, why authnetication doesn't work here. Do
you have any hints what I'm doing wrong?
> mailgw.Domain.A[]:587: AUTH NTLM

just disable NTLM auth on your SMTP client
been there, done that

on Fedora "yum remove cyrus-sasl-ntlm" and restart postfix

should also be possible with a config change, Google!

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