On 01/18/15 10:57, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> better make a bugreport at your distribution
>> https://www.google.at/search?q=postfix+debian+chroot+problems
> Scott K:
>> Assuming this is Debian, there's no bug report needed. It's an
>> intentional maintainer choice and not a bug.
> Edgar Pettijohn:
>> I think its default in a lot of distros.  I know it is in openbsd and 
>> I'm pretty sure freebsd also.
> With the upcoming stable release(*), the built-in chroot is "no"
> by default.  However, a built-in backwards-compatibility safety net
> will preserve past Postfix behavior, so if the maintainers get it
> right, then you get to decide if you like the new defaults, not the
> maintainers.
> http://www.postfix.org/COMPATIBILITY_README.html
> *I expect to issue "release candidates" in a week or so.
>       Wietse
Thanks everyone that replied,
It seems to work reliably now.

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